Coursework: Shot List

This is my initial shot by shot list that will, hopefully, eventually become my film. I decided to make a shot list so that I could plan my final film before creating storyboards.


  • Opening shot- Close up on floor level of feet getting out of car.
  • Wide shot from behind as the group of girls walk towards the building, not yet revealed to be a bowling alley. Phoebe walks separate to the others, visibly isolated.
  • Tracking shot as the girls walk through the corridor, Phoebe following behind. Shot ends when they reach the door and start opening it.
  • Series of close ups of bowling alley setting
    E.g. sign, shoes, bowling balls, arcade, front desk, people, lanes (all edited at a fast pace to the beat of diegetic sound of pins falling)
  • Wide shot of girls at the counter (from behind the counter), whilst on their phones one puts up four fingers to indicate that four of them want to bowl.
  • Close up from the desk of the shoes being put down then picked up one by one.
  • Wide shot of the four girls sat on the sofa putting on their shoes.
  • Low angle shot from the bottom of the stairs as the four girls walk down.
  • Wide shot of the girls sitting down, when phoebe sits close they shuffle away without looking up from their phones.
  • Close up of their names on the screen.
  • Cut back to wide shot of them sat, Sophie who is on the far left stands up.
  • Mid shot following Sophie from in front of her as she walks up and bowls still on her phone.
  • Close up of ball hitting pins x2
  • Wide shot of Sophie sitting back then phoebe smiling looking at the others on their phones shaking her head and then standing and leaving the frame.
  • Close up of Phoebe’s hand grabbing the ball.
  • Wide shot from behind Phoebe.
  • Mid shot from in front of Phoebe shows that she is concentrating as she bowls.
  • Tracking shot of ball going down the lane.
  • Close up shows she got a strike.
  • Close up reaction shot of Phoebe looking excited and turning around.
  • Wide shot of the girls from Phoebe’s pov on their phones not even aware of Phoebe’s strike.
  • Mid shot of Phoebe as her smile drops and she walks away.
  • Wide shot from the lane with the girls and Phoebe sat on the sofa framed in the left.
  • Cut to a few close ups of phones accompanied by diegetic sound of notifications etc.
  • Back to wide shot from lane, Lisa enters the frame from the top of the stairs and sits down on the sofa on the apposite lane to the girls.
  • Close up of Lisa putting something down then looking up.
  • Close up of Phoebe looking up and smiling awkwardly.
  • Close up of Lisa smiling back.
  • Close up of Phoebe looking down awkwardly then at the girls then standing up.
  • Wide tracking shot from behind Phoebe as she bowls hesitantly.
  • Close up of a strike.
  • Close up of Phoebe slightly smiling before stopping herself.
  • Mid shot of Lisa clapping silently.
  • Cut back to Phoebe who is looking at Lisa, she turns around smiling and shaking her head.
  • Close up of lane screen as all the other girls names disappear (suggesting they have been removed and are no longer bowling)
  • Wide shot of lane from behind screens, Lisa and Phoebe both enter at the same time looking at each other smiling and reaching for their bowling balls.
  • Long shot from the side of the lane, Lisa enters from the left releasing her bowling ball shortly followed by Phoebe entering from the left and releasing her bowling ball.
  • Series of bowling shots (wide from behind, mid shots from in front etc and close ups of pins and shots of them laughing and celebrating)
  • Wide shot of Lisa turning round looking pleased with herself, Phoebe jogs up and mockingly bows down before her.
  • Cut to wide shot of the three other girls on their phones.
  • Close up of Sophie who looks up doing a double take.
  • Cut back to wide shot of Lisa and Phoebe laughing.
  • Wide shot of Sophie nudging the girl next to her and pointing at Lisa and Phoebe, the girl looks up and nudges the girl next to her so now they’re all staring at them. They exchange confused/disapproving glances before looking back down at their phones.
  • Series of close ups of pins falling from different angels to show time passing.
  • Close up of score board to show both girls are on their final shot and the score is really close.
  • Two shot of Lisa and Phoebe who playfully smile at each other.
  • Two shot of Lisa and Phoebe from behind as they both step up to bowl their motions parallel and in sync.
  • Extreme close up of Phoebe’s eyes as she brings the ball up and narrows her sight.
  • Extreme close up of Lisa’s eyes as she brings the ball up and narrows her sight.
  • Cut back to two shot from behind as both girls walk in sync and bowl the balls.
  • Tracking shot from the side of the lane that follows both of the balls down the lanes.
  • Close up of balls hitting the pins.
  • – fade to black –
  • Fade in to wide shot from a slight low angle of the three friends getting up as they leave they walk past the camera, leaving Phoebe who is packing away her things.
  • Mid shot that pedestals up as Phoebe stands and looks behind her, Lisa can be seen in the background.
  • Cut to wide shot of Lisa sat behind the lane on a sofa
  • Cut back to Phoebe who walks out of frame.
  • Wide shot of Lisa sat on the sofa, Phoebe enters the frame and sits next to her.
  • Shot reverse shot: close up from Lisa pov looking at Phoebe then cut to close up from Phoebe’s pov looking at Lisa.
  • Close up from Phoebe’s pov looking at Lisa – dialogue “we should’ve done this when I was alive”
  • Close up from Lisa’s pov looking at Phoebe as her smile drops to show a moment of subtle shock and sadness
  • MONTAGE (Shot list blog post: )
  • Cut back to wide shot showing Phoebe is alone.