Coursework: Hair Practice (Styling a Headscarf)

During the montage portion of my short film, Lisa is supposed to be suffering from a terminal illness like cancer. In order to convey this visibly I decided I wanted to use a head scarf as many people suffering with hair loss, which through my research I found to be a common occurrence, tend to use.

The first step was to find a scarf to use so my mum and I went on a full search around the house for any potential candidates. We found several scarfs.



img_4828.jpgAutomatically I was able to dismiss the two sheer scarfs (Bottom picture) as you can see hair through the fabric due to how thin the material is. I also ruled out the two scarfs in the top picture as not only were they way too brightly coloured, they were also an odd shape that made tying them difficult.

I was able to narrow my options down to these two scarfs:

img_4835.jpgI am still undecided which one I would like to use so for my practice runs I have used the white scarf; however, the ultimate decision between the two will probably be made closer to the time of filming.

Once I had chosen the scarfs I realised I have no clue how to style them so I turned to YouTube and watched many videos until I felt like an expert.

hair scarf research

Then I chose the styles I liked the most and attempted to follow and replicate them.
(It is worth noting that for these initial practice runs I tested the styles on myself rather than the actress that will play Lisa so closer to production my decisions may change based on what suits the actress best)

Style One: Complete Turban

This style was taken from the YouTube Video above at around 2:21.

Style Two: Tie and Twist

This style was taken from the YouTube Video above at around 3:28.

Style Three: Side Bun

This style was a combination I created of multiple techniques I had seen when watching the YouTube Videos including the one above.

After practicing all of these hairstyles I am still slightly undecided on which I will use for my final product; however, Style Two is my favourite at the minute. Ultimately the style I choose will depend on which works best with the actress who will play Lisa.